


“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” ― Carl Jung

Can you imagine a world without text messaging? If you are of a certain age, you can. The concept of texting was developed in 1984 by Bernand Ghillebaert and Friedhelm Hillebrand. On December 3, 1992, the first text message was sent; it simply read "Merry Christmas." According to, in 2020, in the U.S. alone, 2.2 billion text messages were sent; that number is now in the trillions.

I am a pen and paper kind of gal. I like the feel of a pen in my hand and its smoothness as it glides across the paper. My hand can keep up with my mind when I am writing, but when I am texting, not so much. That was until, once upon a time, I fell in love and it was a phenomenon! It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. An even more phenomenal event occurred: I became proficient at texting. Love ushers many things into our lives, but who would have thought it would have taught me to text with skill and ease. Understandably so, because this was a once-in-a-lifetime kinda love!

I believe that one can have many soulmates in a lifetime and he (who shall remain nameless) was one of them. Indeed, I must have known him in some other time and space. How else could he have known my heart song and understood the language I speak? How is it that time stopped when he said my name? 

It was about a month into getting to know each other and we had just finished some random conversation. He said something like, "Well, I'm gonna get going, Simona. I'll talk to you later." He said it so fast. All I heard was my name and time stopped. It stood still. It was like I was simultaneously out of my body and in a cocoon. After the pause in time, I heard nothing else he said. I was suspended in stasis. Sound didn't even penetrate the space that I was in. I don't know how long I was there, but it felt like I had stepped into eternity. As motion slowly began again, I could hear him gradually until I was back in "real" time. I said to him. "Hold on. So you know, time just stood still when you said my name! I am trying to catch up and you will need to repeat everything you said after my name because I didn't hear any of it." 

That is the phenomenon of love; it can make time stand still!

Thanks to the genius of Ghillebaert and Hillebrand, not only did time stand still but so did our words. Words that would have otherwise drifted into the universe (as words do) and perhaps been forgotten with time and old age have been immortalized in text. 

This is a love story, displaying the intimacy between a man and woman frozen in time and text.


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